Dans un monde où le bien-être naturel prend de plus en plus de place dans notre quotidien, le CBDV...
About US
At 12 Rue de la Boulette we are above all passionate about the good, the beautiful, and the true.
Originally from the lands of Aveyron, we have traveled around the world to perfect our extraction and refining techniques and to imagine, once back, the best of French hash. We believe in the authenticity of the terroir in the transmission of know-how and invention.
Our extraction methods based on varieties of sweet Cannabis, resulting from craftsmanship, are the guarantee of an inimitable product. Our hemp resin production and packaging methods are respectful of the environment and your well-being.
We are manufacturers, we are French, we make hashish and we do it well.

By pros for pros
Trust the expertise of qualified professionals
Direct from the producer
Our products are manufactured on our farm in Aveyron

Guarantee of a legal product
Analyzes are carried out in a COFRAC certified laboratory

Guaranteed responsiveness
Your products delivered within 24 hours for any order placed before noon
Artisan resellers, wholesalers and major accounts all benefit from the same welcome by our sales teams. We believe in consumer respect and fairness. Everything we produce is rigorously tested and fully complies with European and French rights. Our products are made from the entire hemp plant.
We are responsive and we constantly monitor the consistency of recommended retail prices. If you have chosen the retail hemp market you become an experience creator and as such we owe you our trust.
Rue de La Boulette products are developed by authentic professionals focused on quality. Whether for your premium customers or those focused on well-being at a fair price: the answer inevitably goes through Rue de la Boulette.
Rue de la Boulette is for you if:
Rue de la Boulette may not be for you if:
We believe in fair trade of mild Cannabis within a respected legal framework. We always remain faithful to our commitment to only produce products that scrupulously comply with the highest standards of naturalness and quality.
Contact us quickly to find out the details of our commercial offer.
A Complete offer!
Explore our exclusive selection of legal hemp varieties carefully cultivated by professionals for an authentic result
Discover a complete range of high-end hemp products, including our famous hashish Beldia, Afghan, ice-o-lator and our exceptional rosins all produced in Aveyron in our laboratories
Each product is rigorously tested to guarantee its conformity, purity and effectiveness : it's hemp without worries
A responsive team attentive to your needs awaits you and supports you through each stage of your journey
Receive your products in complete safety and on time, thanks to customizable tracking right to the door of your store
Become essential in just a few weeks thanks to the know-how of our teams. Work on the references that will make you unique and your turnover without fearing stock shortages. Rue de la Boulette is the guarantee of being an authority in your network, with an efficient commercial offer.
In 3 months :
Your business is growing rapidly thanks to our range of premium hemp products.
Your volume increases and your sales progress significantly.
In 6 months :
You have already expanded your reach to new markets, thereby increasing revenue opportunities. A loyal customer base grows, bringing stability and revenue to your business.
In 12 months :
Your business is firmly established, with a loyal customer base and continued growth. You will have to recruit You are recognized as a key player in the field of hemp.
La Révolution du CBDV : Comment Rue de la Boulette Sélectionne ses Génétiques
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frequently Asked Questions
How do you make your CBD resins?
Our CBD resins and pollens are manufactured in France, in our production workshop located on our farm, we have designed our own machines for harvesting and extracting trichomes in order to control all the parameters necessary for the manufacture of products that we sell.
Obviously a large part of our work consists of doing research & development to develop superior quality products, while respecting the THC levels in force.
Do not hesitate to consult the technical sheets for each reference to find out more, and to contact our customer service.
Grossiste résine CBD : Le Hash est-il légal ?
Our products are considered industrial extracts of Cannabis Sativa .L varieties listed in the European catalog and less than 0.3% total THC (THC+THCa).
They are therefore legal within the meaning of the decree of December 30, 2021 implementing article R. 5132-86 of the public health code and European law.
Do not smoke, do not ingest or apply to skin, we cannot be held responsible for misuse.
Pourquoi se fournir auprès d'un grossiste résine CBD ?
At Rue de la Boulette, we use advanced extraction processes to guarantee the quality and purity of our CBD products. This means you can be assured of the quality of the products you purchase and can sell your customers top quality products. Additionally, purchasing CBD in bulk from a wholesaler can help you build customer loyalty.
By offering a range of premium quality products at competitive prices, you can build customer confidence in your business and build loyalty. By offering premium quality products, you can also create a base of satisfied customers who will come back for more quality CBD products. Purchasing CBD in bulk from a wholesaler can therefore offer many benefits for your business. By saving money, offering a greater variety of products, ensuring product quality, building customer loyalty and following market trends, purchasing from a CBD wholesaler can be a beneficial option for your business.
Don't wait any longer, and create your account on Rue de la Boulette to start enjoying the benefits of buying in bulk!
Also find our e-boutiques in Europe:
CBD wholesaler United Kingdom
CBD wholesaler Spain
CBD wholesaler Germany
CBD wholesaler Portugal
Acheter du CBD en gros : Est-ce une bonne idée ?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound extracted from the cannabis plant. It is becoming increasingly popular due to its many health benefits, including relieving anxiety, pain and inflammation. As a result, the French are consuming more and more CBD-based products: hemp flowers, CBD resins, etc.
Would you like to offer one of our products for sale? Our team would be delighted to collaborate with your company. Whether you are a wellness center, a purchasing center, a CBD Shop or a specialized distributor, we have the production and equipment necessary to provide you with our hash cannabidiol products wholesale. By buying in bulk, you can get the best purchase price and increase your margins. Whatever your needs, your CBD resin producer and wholesaler Rue de la Boulette is the ideal supplier!
Êtes-vous producteur de CBD ?
We are proud to be French producers of CBD from Aveyron and to be able to offer products of exceptional quality. Remember that when shopping, regardless of the supplier, it is important to check that the products contain an appropriate concentration of cannabidiol and have been tested by independent laboratories.
Today, as a CBD producer and wholesaler, we count among our customers more than 175 CBD stores and resellers in France and more than 345 in Europe.
By choosing a reliable CBD resin producer, you will have the confidence that your products are manufactured to high standards and with the best possible care. Visit our store to explore our different ranges: the originals and the supremes.
Grossiste Résine CBD : Comment s'effectue le paiement ?
Le paiement est 100% sécurisé grâce à notre partenaire de paiement Viva Wallet qui propose un paiement carte bancaire.
Vous n'avez pas la possibilité de réaliser un paiement instantané par carte bancaire ?
Pas de problème ! Nous proposons également le règlement des commandes via virement bancaire.
Nous expédions votre commande à réception du virement.
Quels sont les bienfaits du cannabidiol sur la santé ?
Le CBD, ou cannabidiol, est un composé non psychoactif qui est extrait de la plante de cannabis. Il est connu pour ses bienfaits pour la santé. Les principaux points positifs du CBD sur la santé sont qu'il peut aider à diminuer l'anxiété et la dépression, soulager la douleur et l'inflammation, améliorer la qualité du sommeil, réduire les symptômes de l'épilepsie, et aider à traiter l'acné et les problèmes de peau. En outre, le CBD est aussi utilisé dans le but de réduire les effets secondaires des traitements du cancer et peut avoir des propriétés neuroprotectrices. Ces différents bienfaits font du CBD une option intéressante pour les personnes désirant améliorer leur santé de manière naturelle et efficace.
Plusieurs types de concentrés peuvent être sélectionnés par les consommateurs, chacun ayant ses propres caractéristiques et avantages.
La résine CBD : La résine CBD est fortement concentrée, c'est pourquoi elle est généralement choisie pour réduire les inflammations et diminuer la douleurs. Du côté de la fabrication, l'extraction à froid permet d'extraire la plante de chanvre : à une température relativement basse, le plante est pressée avec pour objectif de conserver une excellente qualité.
Le Pollen CBD : Idéal pour améliorer la qualité du sommeil, diminuer les inflammations et surtout, pour réduire le stress et l'anxiété. Des tamis sont utilisés dans le but d'obtenir une filtration parfaite, en éliminant toutes les impuretés.
Le distillat CBD : Le distillat peut être utilisé dans le traitement d'affections, ainsi que pour la production d'huile de CBD. En effet, l'odeur du chanvre prononcée s'y prête parfaitement pour cet usage.
L’isolat de CBD : Cette forme pure du CBD se retrouve notamment dans divers produits e-liquides ou cosmétiques. Sa consistance ressemble à celle d'une poudre, sans aucun goût ni odeur apparente.
Quel est le taux de TVA sur nos produits CBD ?
La règlementation et la classification des produits contenant du CBD en France n'est pas claire à ce jour, vous pouvez donc voir que les commerçants appliquent des taux de TVA variables allant de 5,5% à 20%.
Cependant, nos références étant considérés comme produites et transformées en France, le taux de TVA légalement applicable en vigueur est de de 20%.
Ces taux ont été appliqués sur conseils de nos avocats, au vu de la règlementation floue et des risques potentiels encourus sur une fraude à la TVA.
Des analyses sont-elles réalisées ?
Soyez tranquille, une analyse de chaque lot est réalisée par un laboratoire indépendant accrédité aux normes Européennes avant mise sur le marché.
Elle vous est fournie lors de chaque commande afin de vous certifier la conformité de nos produits.
Nous vous recommandons toutefois de réaliser vos propres analyses en complément, afin de garantir une traçabilité vis-à-vis des tiers.
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